The Flowerful Desert 馃憖

Hi everyone, this day i wanna talk about of the flowerful desert, that is a place that i visited in september of the last year 2022. I went there because my mom invite me to a trip that she had planed with some of her friends. At firstI doubted whether to go or not because as I knew it was all people older than me, I didn't know if I would have a good time. But then my mom convinced me to go and i not regret it a all because the group that formed was very entertaining and very hard for the party jajaja. 

The flower desert it was a phenomenon that happens in the Atacama desrert. It consists of the appearance of a great diversity of flowers in those years when rainfall is unusual and exceeds the normal range for the desert. 

We specifically visited the Llanos de Challe National Park located a little further south of Carrizal Bajo, this park features a coastal desert ecosystem, which forms the habitat of rare and beautiful plant species, including the vulnerable species Bomarea ovallei, known locally as Lion's Claw. The landscape in this park is truly beautiful, and even more so in the spring season where everything is green and you can also see the multiple colors of all the diversity of flowers that we can see.


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