I wanna vistit de Amazoniaaaa!

Hello there readers, today a wanna talk about a dream that i have, this dream is not  necessarily to know a particular country but to know the amazonia. However for convenience and proximity with Chile this country could be Peru or Bolivia. My most craving is visit the jungle and the rainforest and to able to see the species of plants and animals characteristics of the landscape.

The landscape look amazing 😭🙏

Browsing on the internet (wikipedia) i find a national park called "Parque Nacional Madidi ", this an natural area to integrated manegment located in the western of Bolivia ranging from the sub-Andean altiplano to the pampas of the Bolivian Amazonia and a plus is that is located very close to the capital, La Paz, a very beautiful city that I had the pleasure of knowing in the past.

Tangara Chilensis 😍

For a very cientifics the national park is the natural reserve with the most biodiversity of the world, in the jungle paradise where more than 3,000 species live in harmony with indigenous communities, that ona looks amazing to me.

 An jaguar 😱!

I think that i like to go with my friends of the geography carrer and have the posibility of sharing one or two weeks to be able to visit the city some days, but mainly the stay would be in the park.


  1. Wow. Looks amazing. I have been to Bolivia but I was only there for about a week, much of which was spent in La Paz and Corrico (I had to travel down the Road of Death!!!).


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