Hi bloggers! Today is the final post so  i going to talk about of my semester.

The subjetcs that most liked in the semester was a elective called "Ecosystems on Glaciars Ambients" and a CFG called "Traslations and Betrayals". The first one consist mainly in study of glaciers, their formation, composition and the ecosystems they generate. I Like to much this tematic because is very important know them to protect them, the best thing of this, is that the next week I will have a trip to Patagonia. The other subjet, of which I am an assistant is very entertaining because the teacher talk about the manga and anime industry is like a herudite of the subject jajaja. The truth is that there is no subject that has been very complicated for me. But I did find it a bit boring seminar 2, which is a kind of introduction and preparation for scientific research. One of the moment that more enjoyed it was the field trip that I had two weeks ago for the land use planning course. We went to the south to the arucania region for three days and we visited the National Park Conguillio, is really very beautiful, it was a very good experience. I think that my best mark it was an 6.8 and my worst an 3.5, this for deliver a week late an work of glaciar variations of glaciar Juncal Norte 😥. My resolution for the next semester is to have the strength for what is to come, since I have to do the internship, so i have to find a good practice, i think that i like that was focused in biogeography.


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