The final post 馃樋馃檹

Hello there everyone, this is the last day that i write on this blog 馃樋 it was a very good and enjoy experience share some things about me 

Doing a recount, I think that the post that I enjoyed the most was when I talked about the national park "Parque Nacional Madidi ", doing this post I had the chance to get to know the park and frankly I loved it. I was too amazed with the landscapes, the jungle and the animals that can be found 馃槺.

The blog that more enjoy to read, it was the AraBlog created by Maria Jose. The classmate write very interesting things, the post when talk about of the social page in the instagram plataform called @mal.recorte i like too much 馃憤, the point of inciting me to follow this page, i really really like the collage art. Also other think taht i liked is that both write of the same tv show in the previous post jajaja 馃樃.

This activity it helped me a lot to maintain a continuous learning of english, In a certain way, it has allowed me to gradually begin to think in English, which for me is a quite advance 馃檶馃挭馃挮.


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