Hi again!

Hi! in this occation i like to talk about a one page thats discover this year, Actually it is one of my favourite media to listen to new music, furthermore it has a load of political content. This instagram page it´s named hate5six (https://www.instagram.com/hate5six/) also they have a web site (https://hate5six.com/). 

This is a proyect created for Sandeep "Sunny" Singh, he is an Northamerican filmographer, programmer and music archivist who in a beginning records and uploads hardcore punk music presentations with the name of hate5six. In the blog page we can read the manifiesto of this proyect  in wich it is expressed that stands for the redistribution of high-quality live music presentations videos in as an much of anti-capitalist framework is realistically allowable. 

I discover this page browsing in youtube, i think that the algorism know very well my music tastes. The reason of i like this page is for the quantity of bands that can found, its a lot of graphic material avalibable in the youtube channel. Also i very very like the energy thats transmitted in the lives performs, we cam see how the bands and the public interact creating an unique ambient that i had never seen before.

My favourites presentations that  i can recomended, are one of the band named "Turnsile", other of an a band with a female singer and performer called "Scowl" and any of the emblematic band called "Title Fight"



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